"Warnsignal - Schweizer Bahnnetz in Gefahr" (signal at danger, Swiss railway network threatened) - this is the title of a new book about the secrets and intricacies of Railway Infrastructure.

Sepp Moser is the author of the 156 pages, published by Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag, Basel. To Sepp's estimations, there is a backlog of maintenance work amounting to about 2 billion Swiss Francs. He then brings forward three proposals to avoid the impending disaster.

ISBN 978-3-7245-1767-2, CHF 48.-

On October 19th the book was presented to the public at SBB's Centre for Railway Technology in Hägendorf.

Dr Peter Bieri, Counsellor of the state of Zug and president of LITRA, talked about the complexity of financing construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure.