Rigid overhead conductor rail CR4

The innovative rigid overhead conductor rail system for speeds of up to 250 km/h

Ein geschwungener unterirdischer Eisenbahntunnel mit zwei Gleisen, die entlang des Bodens verlaufen. Die Betonwände und die Decke werden von einer Reihe kleiner Lichter beleuchtet, was eine gut beleuchtete, aber leere Atmosphäre schafft. In der Ferne biegen die Gleise sanft nach links ab.

Our rigid overhead conductor rail system is an innovative solution for traction current systems, characterised by its low height and high electrical cross-section, avoiding the need for additional feeders. Particularly suitable for tunnels, it allows for smaller tunnel cross-sections and the electrification of older tunnels. The system’s versatility means it can also be used in maintenance workshops and loading facilities, and on mobile bridges and open tracks.

Our rigid overhead conductor rail system offers high operational safety, high fire resistance, and low maintenance requirements. The overhead conductor rail can be connected directly to the contact wire of catenary overhead contact lines and integrated into existing overhead contact line systems. The system supports various operating voltages and is designed for speeds of up to 250 km/h in accordance with EN 50367.

With over 6,600 kilometres of track installed in more than 30 countries, the system offers proven reliability and efficiency.

  • Ein moderner, sauberer U-Bahnhof mit leeren Gleisen. Der Bahnhof verfügt über eine hohe Decke, helle Beleuchtung, einen verglasten Wartebereich und eine Mischung aus Beton- und Metallwänden. Die Gleise biegen sanft nach links ab und führen in einen Tunnel.
  • An einem sonnigen Tag nähert sich ein moderner elektrischer Zug einem leeren Bahnsteig im Freien. Oberleitungen und Gleise sind sichtbar. Der Bahnsteig ist auf einer Seite überdacht und im Hintergrund stehen Bäume mit grünem Laub.
  • A well-lit, modern underground train tunnel with curved tracks and a sleek, white interior. Lights line the left side, and a faint green ring is visible in the distance. A "No Entry" sign is posted on the right wall. The tunnel appears clean and futuristic.
  • Eine perspektivische Ansicht eines leeren, gut beleuchteten Eisenbahntunnels mit zwei parallelen Gleisen, die sich in die Ferne erstrecken. Die Wände des Tunnels bestehen aus Beton und an den Seiten und der Decke sind Kabel und Lichter angebracht.
  • Ein gut beleuchteter Bahngleis führt nachts in einen Tunnel. Über den Gleisen spannen sich elektrische Strukturen und Kabel. Die Szene wird von einer Straßenlaterne auf der rechten Seite beleuchtet, die einen warmen Schein auf die Umgebung wirft. In der Nähe des Tunneleingangs sind einige Baumaterialien zu sehen.
  • A railroad track bending towards the entrance of a tunnel surrounded by lush greenery. The scene includes metal safety barriers on both sides of the track and netting to protect from falling rocks. The tunnel entrance is dark with overhead electrical lines above the track.
  • Ein moderner rot-weißer Zentralbahnzug steht auf einem Bahnsteig in malerischer Umgebung. Im Hintergrund sind üppige, grüne Hügel und ein bewölkter Himmel zu sehen. Der Zug befindet sich in der Nähe eines Bahnhofsgebäudes, Gleise und Bahnsteiginfrastruktur sind sichtbar.
  • Arbeiter in Sicherheitsausrüstung führen auf erhöhten Plattformen Wartungsarbeiten in einem gut beleuchteten Eisenbahntunnel durch. Die Gleise sind von einem Betonweg flankiert und auf den Gleisen stehen verschiedene Maschinen. Der Tunnel erstreckt sich in die Ferne und zeigt geschwungene Wände und Deckeninstallationen.

An overview of the key components

CR4 conductor rail profile

The CR4 conductor rail profile is the latest generation in our 30-year history of conductor rail construction, representing the state of the art and the continuous search for improvement and innovation in this area.

A special feature of the CR4 profile is the lip on each side of the connection point, which keeps condensation away from the copper-aluminium contact point. Condensation is collected on the outside of the lips and drained away via holes on the underside of the profile, which also helps to ventilate the interior.

Interlocking joint

The individual profiles of our overhead conductor rails are connected to each other using interlocking joints. The patented tongue-and-groove system guarantees a kink-free connection, which contributes to optimum current collection. The number of screws at the connection points can be significantly reduced as a result, helping to simplify assembly and increase efficiency.


Our overhead conductor rail system is used in particular to replace conventional catenary systems and increase reliability. We have a wide range of tried-and-tested support types that have become established in practice, including retractable supports, sliding supports, pulley supports, hinged suspension, and wire suspension. The necessary certification is available for these supports, underlining both their quality and safety.

Height adjustment

Fine adjustment of the height of our overhead conductor rail system is carried out using patented sprung height adjusters on the support. These springs are set depending on the travel speed of the system and the position of the supports, which optimises the dynamic interaction between the overhead conductor rail and the pantograph.

Transition bar

We have developed the transition bar for the transition from the catenary overhead line to our overhead conductor rail, to absorb and dampen the movements of the vibrating contact wire. At the same time, the transition bar stiffens the contact wire together with the increasing profile, up to the full profile of the overhead conductor rail. This enables the pantograph to achieve optimum contact behaviour with the contact wire even at high speeds.

Expansion joint

As with conventional overhead contact lines, changes in length occur in the overhead conductor rail due to temperature fluctuations, and our expansion joints absorb these changes in length. They ensure trouble-free operation of the pantograph by preventing mechanical or electrical interruptions to ensure a continuous power supply.

Fixed point

These fixed points balance out the varying longitudinal forces in the overhead conductor rail that can arise from the friction in the joints of the supports or in the sliding elements.

Contact wire anchor

The anchors are used to transfer the tensile forces of the contact wire via the conductor rail profile section to the support structure at the endpoints of the overhead conductor rail. The contact wire is clamped without tension in the conductor rail profile between the terminations, allowing for straightforward installation and maintenance.


Above turnouts, the overhead conductor rail is routed parallel to the main track. The ends of the branching overhead conductor rails curve up in a large radius to make sure the pantograph runs evenly. This design ensures that the pantograph contact strips are guided smoothly and safely, including at junctions.

Section insulators

Sectioning is implemented in our overhead conductor rail system either via laterally offset, parallel running rails, or via special section insulators. At speeds above 140 km/h, we use section insulators with closed runners to ensure optimum functionality and safety.

Phase separation

The phase separations in our overhead conductor rail system are implemented by using section insulators and/or parallel rail runs. This installation enables effective and safe separation of different phases in the power supply.

System separation sections

With our system separation sections, we offer specialised solutions and customised components that are tailored to the specific requirements for earthed sections, the length of the overlaps, and the distance between the separation sections of these interfaces.

Electrical connection terminal for power supply and connections

We use flexible copper cables for power supply to the individual sectors of the conductor rail. We have developed special current-carrying clamps for connection to ensure safe and efficient power transmission.


As with conventional overhead contact lines, overhead conductor rails also need to be connectable to the return circuit. This is achieved using standard earthing rods that can be attached to special current-carrying earthing clips clamped to the conductor rail or to supports designed for this purpose.

Synthetic protective cover

In damp and particularly exposed areas, the overhead conductor rail is protected against water by a synthetic cover. Due to their open design, the transition bars are always covered. The cover is also fitted with a water deflector to ensure optimum protection.

Retractable overhead conductor rail

Apparatus is increasingly being installed in the roof area of multiple units. To make maintenance easier, we have developed a retractable overhead conductor rail and an accompanying safety control unit. This design allows unhindered and safe access to the roof area without being obstructed or endangered by the overhead conductor rail. This is particularly useful in workshops with indoor cranes, fall protection ropes, or work platforms.

Movable cantilevers, towed

For moveable sections up to 250 metres in length, we use horizontally or vertically retractable or laterally extending cantilevers to attach the overhead conductor rail. The number of drive motors depends on the length of the moving sections, whereby some cantilevers can be towed without their own drive.

The drives are operated by a centralised or decentralised control system. This not only monitors the movement of the conductor rail, but also ensures that the system is switched off and earthed before access to roof working platforms or the use of work equipment.

Electrical contact

Depending on the type of movement of the overhead conductor rail and the adjacent conductor rail sections, special electrical contacts ensure an automatic and reliable electrical connection to the return circuit (forced earthing) or to neighbouring sectors.

Control of systems in depots and maintenance halls

For detailed information on the control of systems in depots and maintenance halls, please refer to our “Railway control systems” section.

  • Nahaufnahme von Stromleitungen und Anschlüssen vor einem klaren blauen Himmel. Das Bild erfasst die strukturellen Details des Metallrahmens und der elektrischen Komponenten, einschließlich Isolatoren und Kabel, und zeigt, dass es sich um einen Teil eines Stromnetzsystems handelt.
  • Das Bild zeigt eine Nahaufnahme der elektrischen Oberleitung eines Eisenbahnsystems. Im Hintergrund inspiziert ein Bahnarbeiter in orangefarbener Kleidung die Baustelle in der Nähe eines leuchtend orangefarbenen Wartungsfahrzeugs auf den Gleisen. Die Aufnahme zeigt einen Tunneleingang.
  • Nahaufnahme von Metallkabeln und Spannern, die mit einem Stahlträger verbunden sind, wahrscheinlich Teil einer Brücke oder Baustruktur, mit unscharfem Hintergrund und Sonnenlicht, das die Spannelemente hervorhebt.

A comprehensive overview of further components is available in our material catalogue.

Technical data

Rated voltageV DC750–3,000
kV AC11–25
Short-circuit currentkA40 for 100 ms
Continuous current capacity:
without electrical bridging of
expansion joints
Aup to 3,100
Continuous current capacity:
with electrical bridging of
expansion joints
Aup to 4,000
Maximum conductor temperature°C90
Support spacingm7–12 (15 railway depot)
Maximum travel speedkm/hbis 250 (depending on
support spacing and design)
Conductor rail cross-section
Conductor materialaluminium alloy
Usable contact wireaccording to EN 50149,
clamping groove A or B
Acceptable contact wire wear50%
Maximum longitudinal expansion
at the expansion joint
Weight of conductor rail without
contact wire
kg/mapprox. 6.1



Our rigid overhead conductor rail system is certified and approved in many countries worldwide. We are happy to provide the relevant documentation on request.